Stories We Love: Maison Du Mec
Our first feature on our Stories We Love section will feature a local Lebanese Brand Maison Du Mec. There are many reasons that make us love Maison Du Mec, we thought we would share a little bit about them here to spread the love!
Story of the brand:
Maison du Mec was born from a need to create a brand that understood the local men’s need for fashion and embodied minimal lines but is not afraid to explore a little change every now and then. It’s the representation of everything that is
black and white and yet in minimal form and tells a bigger story that is waiting to be told, to be shared, and most importantly, to be experienced.
In 2018, Maison du Mec was set up . It was born of a pursuit of minimalist excellence. Faultlessly-cut ready-to-wear pieces, which come alive with twist of the wearer’s personality, when styled and worn, irrespective of gender. Practically chic is the design, production and retail ethos that directs everything we do at Maison du Mec and is reflected in every facet of our designs and pieces.
We do not target customers, but create adopters. This for us is a true measure of our growth and success. Our adopters are not flamboyant or overtly extravagant. They enjoy a sense of mystery and intrigue and while they seek comfort and individuality, they want to passe inaperçu. They are discovery seekers, who create their own path, they are not crowd followers. They pay attention to detail, fabrics and cuts not to logos and labels. They are loyal, and return to us time after time, as to them, Maison du Mec is a lifestyle, not just a choice of clothing.
Visit their website here: